A review by phyrre
A Sh*tload of Crazy Powers by Jackson Ford


You can read my full review on my blog, The Bookwyrm's Den, here.


I’m actually late in reading this book. For those who don’t know, The Frost Files is one of my all-time favorite series. No surprise, given the sarcastic narrator, tongue-in-cheek humor, lots of fast-paced action, and superpowers. Obviously, it’s a good combination. I absolutely loved the first three books in this series, and I couldn’t wait for A Sh*tload of Crazy Powers (especially with the sort of promise the title alone makes!). It took me longer than I’d hoped to get to read this book, but as always, Jackson Ford is worth the wait.

A Sh*tload of Crazy Powers is book 4 in the Frost Files, where Teagan & co. are back with more powers, more action, more sarcasm … but also higher stakes, explosions, craziness, poor life choices, and just all-around chaos.

Going in, I was sure I’d love this book, and I wasn’t disappointed. Every Frost Files book has something a little different, so I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect (other than sarcasm, explosions, and questionable life choices, obviously), but I was pleased with the characters in this installment . . . both the recurring ones and the new ones. I am absolutely stoked for the next book already. So stoked that I don’t even care that no one says ‘stoked’ anymore. We’ve got bigger things to worry about, people! *flails*

This review may contain spoilers for the previous books in the series.

My Thoughts

- Welcome back to the Frost Files, baby. Be prepared to crank the danger dial up to 16.39, and strap yourself in, because the action is about to get hardcore! If you’re reading this review, I assume (or rather hope) that you’ve read some of the previous books in the series, so you likely think you have some idea of what to expect from this book. That’s okay. I thought the same thing. I mean, it’s hard to compete against a massive earthquake that destroys large parts of LA, right? And yet . . . I’m pretty sure Jackson Ford still manages to up the stakes somehow? On a smaller scale than an earthquake, true, but nevertheless.

For this installment, Ford riffs off the classic movie Die Hard with an action-packed hostage situation. One extra caveat, though: Teagan seems to have lost her powers. Talk about timing, right? Teagan and her band of not-entirely-qualified misfits are the only ones who can save the day. Probably. I mean, let’s be real, her odds aren’t exactly great, okay?

While this book felt slower than the others, in some ways—because this crew has been through a lot and needs to take some time to deal with their emotions and process everything they’ve been through—it’s still just as fast-paced as one might expect from a Frost Files novel. In fact, I accidentally sat down and read it in all day. I say accidentally because I actually had things I was supposed to be doing (like getting ready for a vacation), but once I started, I just couldn’t stop. Not even to shop. (And I apologize to all the people Hubby had to diligently guide me around in Walmart because, no, I couldn’t take my nose out of my Kindle, thank you very much.)

- GUESS WHO’S BACK. BACK AGAIN. That’s right, it’s Jonaaaas. Teagan isn’t sure how to handle it, but I sure am. What can I say? I have a thing for intelligent assholes. Especially when they tend to be highly charming German geniuses who saved a bunch of people in the previous book. I was crossing my fingers and hoping he’d make another appearance (even though, really, what are the odds? I mean, turns out, really good, but still . . . even Teagan is asking herself that question!).

Jonas complicates things, as only sexy billionaires can. Mostly because, in case you’ve forgotten, Nick played a pretty big part in book three. I’m not going to say this is a love triangle, because it’s really not, but it’s complicated, in a way that only love and attraction can be, and I appreciate that.

For the record, though . . . if Teagan doesn’t want Jonas, I’d like to call dibs, please and thank you. Just saying. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

- The other characters have had a chance for some backstory, but this time it’s Anna’s turn, as readers get to peel back the curtain a little into her life and history. I’ve had a very love-hate relationship with Anna’s character in this series, because she’s so frustrating and confusing. I have to agree with Teagan on that one. Because of that, I’m really glad that she had such a big role in this book, since she was really an underappreciated member of the squad. I can confidently say that at this point.

Anna’s story is complicated, as one might expect from a member of the China Shop. I do ultimately feel like I know her so much better now. Not saying she’s going to be my favorite character anytime soon, but okay, fine, I care what happens to her. Happy now? I also might be rooting for her just a little bit, but if you mention it later, I’ll probably deny it.

Best of all, along with Anna comes her mother, Sandra-May, who is every bit as fierce as you might expect. I mean, Anna has to get it from someone, right? Sandra-May is the real treasure here.

- The plot just keeps getting bigger and badder, and for once in her life, Teagan might well and truly be getting in over her head. She just doesn’t know yet exactly what she’s getting into. Which, now that I think of it, is actually pretty darn on-brand for Teagan.

Her siblings are now back in the picture. After being, you know, dead as far as she knew. Teagan has no idea what they want or even how they’re alive, but somehow (unsurprisingly), she’s dragged into whatever mess they’re involved in.

Perhaps worse of all, China Shop is walking on eggshells, and the future of the squad is questionable at best. It’s definitely not a high point for the team, especially when Agent Burr (you know, whose finger Teagan may have previously broken for being the dickbiscuit that he is) and Tanner join the team to pick up some of the slack. But you know what? I’m just a tiny bit resentful that Ford made me actually like Burr when I’m obviously trying very hard to dislike him. What kind of nonsense is that?!

In the midst of all the action and explosions and page-turning goodness, I was pleased to have the chance to get to know and fall in love with characters I had no intention of ever doing so.