A review by jawshuwah
Line and Orbit by Lisa Soem, Sunny Moraine


 This was a reread. I liked it better the first time I read it, but it wasn't bad.
My biggest beef with this one was the eugenics. The idea that long ago humanity got rid of all disease with genetic altering. Part of humanity continued messing with their genes to make "perfect" humans, while the other part left the planet to escape the gene tampering and preserve their flaws. This seems ok until we learn that there is a drug induced for adulthood the good space fairing people make their kids go through and throw out those who fail with little to no chance of survival. Not much rep for disabled even on the space humans in their ships. That kept bothering me.
On the good side, it was gay, there was trans rep, and it was scifi. Not overly sexual or much detail in the sex scenes (which may sound prudish of me, but not usually a fan of what often reads as fetishization of MM romances/sex).
Haven't read the next 2 books, but might eventually get to them.