A review by errantdreams
Santa Took Them by William Malmborg


Want a quick, fun, trippy serial killer tale? Give this one a try. It isn’t perfect. There are bits and pieces of things that are never adequately explained. But on the whole it’s just a fun way to spend the afternoon. There’s Santa, there are killings, there are near-deaths and there are daring escapes. There’s a plethora of characters, some of whom think Michelle’s doctor Samantha might even be carrying out the murders, or at least helping Michelle to do so. There are some pretty messed up teens that make the whole thing even more complicated, and long-held prejudices trip people up.

Santa Took Them isn’t high art, but it isn’t meant to be. It’s an entertaining thrill ride with plenty of screams and twists of plot.

Original review on my site: http://www.errantdreams.com/2016/03/short-take-santa-took-them-william-malmborg/