A review by dorisxdw
Don't Touch by Rachel M. Wilson


I recieved this book from the goodreads first read programm.

Don't Touch is about a 15 year old girl Caddie. She goes through the separation of her parents and she created 'Games' inside her head as a way to kind of deal with it. This game is not to touch anothers person skin so that her parents might get back together.

I had high expectations for this book because it sounded so different but it definitely lived up to my expectations.

5 Things I love about this book:
- The way Shakespeares 'Hamlet' was a part of this book.
- The similarities between Caddie and Ophelia. (Even though it was frustrating that Caddie didn't tell her friends about her issues for so long.)
- Caddies and Peters relationship. They are so cute together.
- Mandy. (Could I have a friend like her please? She is fun and so caring, idk I just really like her)
- The Authors Note, which was just amazing.

I don't think I need to say more. I really enjoyed Don't Touch and definitely recommend this to everyone who is thinking about picking it up when it is released in September - you won't regret it!