A review by tittypete
Black Flags: The Rise of Isis by Joby Warrick


Remember when the USA wisely took out the regime of Saddam Hussain in Iraq because he was building weapons of mass destruction? Well, through no fault of our own, the door was left open for a bunch of super level-headed Islam-enthusiasts so come in and start murdering everybody. They were headed by a charismatic boy rapist and decapitator name Al-Zarqawi and boy did he get his people riled up. They cut heads off Americans, set fire to Jordanians and in general set the outward look, tone and feel for “the world’s fastest-growing religion” since any other vibe for Islam is essentially silent and unseen except for the few yuckmouthed beardos that ‘claim’ this kind of stuff isn’t what the religion stands for. The hitch is, the pious ass-raper guy has his own yuckmouth beardos who say otherwise. All I know is whenever you hear someone yell in Arabic that “God is Great,” you’re probably fucked and going to die.

Anyway, Zarqawi forms a team and does a bunch of vile stuff. Eventually he’s even so vile that some of the Islams are pissed off and the good ol’ USA sends a bomb up his ass. But his fellow sodomites are still stoked on his message of cruelty and bloodlust and it just so happens that the Arab spring hits Syria and that USA this time just sort of waffles about what side they’re on so there’s a power vacuum and the pederast’s followers start their own country with their own yuckmouth fat virgin beardo in charge and basically everyone hates them except for rich assholes that give them money because they themselves are secret Islamo-pederasts.

This book is another bummer. Once again, my reaction is a firm: “fuck that part of the world and everyone in it.” Also Fuck the Bush administration for wiping its ass with our country’s reputation. Read this made me want to go full Pat Tillman.