A review by aprilbooksandwine
Going Rogue by Robin Benway


Spies are kind of the best. No, seriously, I love reading books about girl spies. I love it when girls do fun and exciting and daring things in books. Going Rogue by Robin Benway, sequel to Also Known As is all about girls doing daring things and I love it. Benway’s latest book called to me as I was in a fog of WHAT DO I READ NEXT because I was dying to know what was going on with Maggie, Roux, Jesse, and everyone else. Also, I have yet to meet a book by Robin Benway that I don’t like, so, this book was kind of a guaranteed winner for me. And you know, there are just those days where you don’t want to take a risk and instead want to go with a tried and true winner. This was one of those types of reads: a winner of a book.
Read the rest of my review here
Note: Review and post go live May 21, 2014