A review by siria
The Fire King by Marjorie Liu


I enjoyed this one much more than the previous installment in the series, The Wild Road, mostly because of the heroine. Soria is a former agent of the Dirk and Steele detective agency, someone who can understand and speak any living language (most awesome superpower ever, y/y? She says as a medievalist who struggles with Latin), who left the agency after suffering a disabling injury.

While this book has the same flaws as Liu's other books (her prose never rises above the serviceable; some of the dialogue makes me wince), I'm willing to take that for an awesome, multiracial heroine who is sexy and kickass despite having lost an arm. (Was anyone else picturing her being played by Zoe Saldana?) Also to be liked: older women being awesome and in control; the reappearance of Eddie and Koni.