A review by kindlemmromancereader
Guys Like Him by Aimee Nicole Walker


***ARC Review***

This is my honest review for the ARC I received.

This story sucked me in right away. There’s a mystery that needs to be solved. There’s relatable and heartwarming characters. There’s forced proximity. There’s a beautiful Colorado landscape.

Kieran is out for revenge. (There are a few The Count of Monte Cristo references in this book). He’s just served 20 months for a crime he didn’t commit. Finley is on a relationship hiatus. He’s been burned by bad and/or broken boys one too many times and no longer trusts his judgment.

The pair meet at Redemption Ridge, a ranch that rehabilitates horses and dogs. Finley is the equine supervisor at the ranch. He is extremely good with horses. Kieran has been hired there after doing work with the Arrowhead Correctional Center K9 program, which features Cash, the ranch owner’s, dogs. Kieran is a natural with animals as well. Cash starts him working with Finley and the horses.

Despite their prior baggage, both MCs have an immediate attraction to one another. They try to resist it but feel pulled to one another. The pair bond (Finley manages to get Kieran to open up) and their emotional connection eventually gives way to a physical relationship. This book is a delicious slow burn that crackles with chemistry and innuendo. The steamy moments between the duo don’t occur until the 64% mark, but by then the physical component is just icing on the cake to their overall connection.

While Finley and Kieran have explosive chemistry, it’s their vulnerability that makes them really stand out. Kieran has built a wall to protect himself from all of the people who have abandoned him or let him down. Finley wears his heart on his sleeve. Both men undergo an emotional journey in this novel. I really liked how they were able to talk to and lean on one another. These MCs tug on your heartstrings.

There’s a wonderful nod to found family in this book. The men at the ranch are great side characters. I’m excited to see what transpires in Ivan’s book (up next in the series) and Cash’s book after that. Finley’s mom Hope provides comedic relief in the story. His sister Harry is a spitfire. Walker provides strong character bonds, emotional acuity, engaging dialogue, and great pacing in this book. It was a wonderful start to a series and I’ll definitely come back for more.