A review by finallyfinnian
Stone Mattress: Nine Tales by Margaret Atwood


Margaret Atwood is a master of VOICE. Whether the narrator is a fantasy writer, a misogynistic, formerly randy and pretentious poet, or a guy who wants to be murdered, the voice is real and utterly believable. Each of these stories is incredible, but Alphinland is absolutely lyrical and pure genius in the way the author blends the present day trials of the Constance following the death of her husband and the "ago" times when she was in love with the misogynistic, randy and pretentious poet. Alphinland is lyrical, gorgeous, and ambiguous. I love a story that makes me go back to reread to see if I can figure out what happened. I highly recommend this collection whether you're a long-time Atwood fan or you've never read a word.