A review by mochagirlalysia
Dashing Through the Snow by Mary Higgins Clark, Carol Higgins Clark


For the month of December my book club selected this book and it's our second book in two years by Mary Higgins Clark. Needless to say that makes it my second time reading a book by her.
The story of a group of co-workers winning the lottery right before Christmas was quite cute. The author set them in a small town were everyone knows everyone and everyone's business was very picturesque in a small town way. I love the mystery element they brought in and how the characters slowly but not too slowly started to put the pieces together.
But when I tell you this is a light read I am not joking. In my opinion there are a few too many characters in this book for how light it is. It seemed like a few of them could have been left out and it would not have effected the storyline at all.
I am not a big readers of this series and I found it just ok as a stand alone. Their were a few mentions of things that happened in another book but overall you could get in and out of it without knowing all the back story.
The narrator and co-author Carol Higgins Clark did a good job of reading her work. I know that sounds strange but I am not a fan of authors reading their own work. Most of them don't act the part and just read the words. For me the better the acting in an audiobook the better the story.
Overall, this was a perfect holiday book and I am happy it was light-hearted.