A review by grllopez
How Should We Then Live? The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture by Francis A. Schaeffer


This is one of my favorite books on culture. I need to reread it soon and give an actual review of it, b/c it has been a long time since I first read it.

UPDATE: Finally reread this. Still relevant and more than ever. Schaeffer wrote this decades ago and he could not have been more prophetic. He was already talking about the "Elites" and the "Technocrats!"

Schaeffer says there are only two alternatives in the natural flow of events. First is imposed order and second is an affirmation of the base which gave freedom without chaos in the first place -- God's revelation in the Bible and His revelation through Christ.

The first, imposed order, is based on Humanism and has always and still does lead to misery! Man is NOT a machine. Personal peace and affluence do not bring happiness or answers to man's questions, and neither does authoritarian governments, like Communism. Only knowledge of the infinite-personal God/Creator of the universe and a relationship with Christ as Savior and Lord, which provides God's revelation for morals, values, and meaning for living. "This is truth that gives a unity to all knowledge and life."

And Schaeffer says that "Christians do not need to be a majority in order for this influence on society to occur." It is that second alternative that "we should take seriously."