A review by emeliestegbornblixt
The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf by Ambelin Kwaymullina


I really enjoyed this fast-paced story. It read slightly younger than I was expecting, but honestly that just added to the enjoyment - things that would have annoyed me if this had been a bit more adult and gritty worked quite well. (Which is to say, things fell into place a bit too neatly at the end, but I didn't really mind.) I liked the discussion of humanity's relationship to nature at large, and the celebration of friendship.

This reading experience has also reminded me that I know embarrassingly little about the Aboriginal peoples of Australia, which makes me want to learn more about this topic and about Australia's colonial history (which I remember studying in school around age 11-12, but no more after that, so.... probably got a version of the story that's a bit tidied up and more easy for delicate white people to stomach...) So I guess I have that to thank this for as well, even though that doesn't really say anything about the book itself.