A review by emeraldreviews
Justice League: No Justice by Joshua Williamson, Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV


I honestly thought this story was fantastic. I thought the idea of creating teams based around the commanding forces of the universe was a fun idea. The interactions and dialogue between the characters were true to their roots and had plenty of snappy one liners. Each character had a fair amount of focus with no single character taking the front seat and stealing the show. I found that enjoyable as sometimes if a story includes Batman or Superman i find that they are front and centre and other characters are a bit lost in the background. I would, however, have liked to see a bit more time spent with Doctor Fate and Deathstroke.

I of course adored the scenes that included my main man Green Arrow. It was a surprise to me that he took a meaty chunk of the story which is based back on earth but hey, any focus on Ollie is fine by me! Bias aside GA showed why he is such an inspiring hero and proved his value to the justice league. He stood up to Amanda Waller also. MAJOR bonus points. I really don’t like that lady.

The final part of the story for me was a bit rushed. The Justice League pretty much always save the day and the way they did it in this story was kinda...dark which was refreshing. I mean I don't think I have ever heard of a titanic, word devouring family chowing down a sibling before...I just can’t help but feel like the suspense and sense of peril could have been greater during the final panels, but hey, that's just me. You might have different thoughts. Which i would love to hear by the way.

Overall Justice League: No Justice is a solid story stuffed full of all the characters we’ve come to adore over the years. The fights and dialogue were great. The earth scenes were the highlight for me as I thought the interaction between Waller and Ollie perfectly written. The pace was good until the end when i felt it was rushed. The art was superb, I loved the colour palettes that went with each force. During the close up panels however there was a fair lack of detail which was a little disappointing.

“Ha! Right through this brainpan! I like you, tiny man” - Starro.