A review by namaria
The Street Lawyer by John Grisham


This probably wasn't one of his better books. It was still interesting to read about people on the streets, even though it wasn't in-depth. This is only my second John Grisham book, and I can understand why he's a popular author. It seems as though that popularity is waning a little after his most recent novels. Readers are beginning to feel he doesn't have as much emotion or time put into his books, that he's just churning out novels as quickly as he can to meet a deadline. I would have to agree with that to some extent. While you can tell that he does feel something about the topic, it has become apparent that he wasn't given ample time to really put much thought or emotion into the novel before he submitted it to the publisher.

Here's to hoping "The Confession" doesn't let me down. The description on the jacket of the novel sounded very interesting, and I hope the writing doesn't kill it.