A review by tinybiblio
A Beautiful Crime by Christopher Bollen


Tiny Synopsis: This is a literary thriller about Clay Guillery and his boyfriend, Nick Brink, who have come to Venice from New York with a detailed plan to con a retired American millionare by selling a collection of counterfeit silver to this collector. Will Nick’s good looks and Clay’s smarts outwit this millionaire?

Thank you to @netgalley and Harper Collins for the advanced copy for my honest review!

My Review:⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/ 5 stars

The story talks about the background of how Nick/Clay meet and how their lives were before they arrived in Venice. You really learn of the hunger and drive they have to motivate themselves to live a better life together with the money they hope to get from this elaborate plan. Some parts were very slow moving and I had to stop reading it for a little while. There was also a part in the book (without giving out spoilers) that involved Clay and his father that really broke my heart and I actually admittedly teared up reading it on the subway! When I finally got through it, I was glad to know what their true background was why they were so desperate to get this done and be together in peace. The ending got a bit more exciting as everything comes together, but I felt it like I needed more. It’s not a fast read - but I thoroughly enjoyed reading about their struggles and experiences.

The book is out Jan 28, 2020!