A review by frostbitsky
Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Winspear

dark emotional informative reflective sad medium-paced


This has been in my Audible library since August 2018. It must have been a free giveaway because I didn't pay anything extra for it.

This was such a sad story about WW I veterans, their physical and mental trauma, and their families' grief. As sad as it was, it was good to see a story that addressed those topics. Especially about WW I which is often overlooked by WW II.

The mystery was easy to figure out and solve.
A cult taking veterans' money and then they  live at a retreat.  But if they leave they are considered deserters and are hanged or drowned.

If this book were only about Maisie Dobbs's first P.I. case it would have been a shorter book, but a big chunk of the middle is dedicated to Maisie's backstory.

The part about her childhood and education dragged and I did get bored, but it all ties together at the end.

The prose is beautiful.  I wrote down some quotes.

- Memory is a golden chain that binds us till we meet again. (Donald Holden's gravestone.)

- "Never follow a story with a question, Maisie. Not immediately. And remember to acknowledge the storyteller, for in some way even the messenger is effected by the story he brings."

- A grand house that was now a home for the men stranded in time by the Great War. Men trapped in the caverns of their own minds. Never to return.

- "It was as if the memory of you, of us, of the explosion, were encased in fine tissue paper."

- With their damaged faces once so very dear to a mother, father, or sweetheart, they were now reduced to gargoyles by a war that for them never ended.

Overall, good female detective story.  I am not hooked enough to continue the series. 

3 out of 5 Retreats

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