A review by emmycd
Hasty for the Dark: Selected Horrors by Adam L.G. Nevill


For some reason, I chose this book to take into the delivery suite with me when I was having my daughter. Maybe I thought the scares would distract me from the pain? Or rather, I could try and ignore the pain whilst indulging in my favourite horror writer.

Nevill has succeeded again in writing a fantastic set of short horrors. Hasty for the Dark is based in reality (the London underground, renting a room in London etc) but with horrifying twists and takes on the subject. This is a change to his previous collection which were more obscure in their settings. I can really see how Nevill was inspired by his experiences here as I have lived/do live where many of his stories are set.

Overall, the stories were chilling and very clever. Tension was built up well in the majority of stories and the reader is kept guessing. Nothing was obvious.

However, I did not enjoy the longest story of the collection. At times it seemed like Nevill had read about the effects of global warming and had just written what he had read as it did not fit with his normal style of writing. It was quite jarring. The story was also very repetitive and the same story was told 3 times.