A review by han_tan
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald


This is actually the first book I read for American Lit that I really liked. Also, that Roblox character cover is super scary…

The thing that stood out to me the most about this book is the way Fitzgerald described the people and sceneries and events. The way things are described in this book is a bit confusing at first, but when you grasp the picture that Fitzgerald is trying to paint, it’s so beautifully written. Honestly, I recommend reading this book when you’re half awake because I read this while trying to not fall asleep and the descriptions just made so much more sense to me ^_^. I think the descriptions in this book is what made me like it so much, it’s so much different from what I’ve read before.

Though, I didn’t really get that attached to any of the characters. Nick was relatable but most of the focus was on Daisy and Gatsby. I wish Nick got more development and his own crazy story rather than pretty much thirdwheeling with almost all the characters for most of the book.

I think Daisy’s and Gatsby’s romance was suppose to be some kind of cautionary tale, similar to Romeo and Juliet. I believe Daisy only got back with Gatsby to both get back at Tom and because Gatsby was rich. Of course, Gatsby was definitely only in love with the image he made of Daisy in his head and not the real Daisy. Their relationship never felt real to me except for the fling they had when they met five years ago.

Overall, pretty good book. I personally would never choose to willingly read this by myself but it was surprisingly an enjoyable read.