A review by dembury
Hawkeye: Freefall by Matthew Rosenberg


There's plenty to like and plenty to dislike here- I personally didn't love this run, but I could see others really digging it, so it kind of lands middle of the road for me.
As far as things that worked well, I think "Freefall" does a great job at giving a very Matt Fraction-esque but fresh Clint. He's messy, kinda goofy, loves a good internal monologue, and has this rough charm to him. The way he is written is just fun, too; he's got a good voice here. The core of the story was also a neat idea to see explored, and put Clint in situations that had protentional for being fun to see him get out of.
BUT that potential gets wasted pretty heavily and gets utterly bogged down by side characters readers don't really care about (coughBrycecough), repetitive conversations, and a ridiculous amount of appearances from literally like every other superhero that comes to mind: Iron Man, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Spider-Man, Bucky, Falcon, Black Widow, Night Thrasher, U.S. Agent, Mockingbird...it's way too much crammed in, and all these appearances really take away from the story. The ending also falls flat- there is a lot of buildup but it doesn't feel very rewarding.