A review by capricious_conundrums
The Last Days by Scott Westerfeld


Ooh.. I always did wonder how the Night Watch would eliminate all those worms and wipe the parasite outta all those people.. Guess this books answers it. It was totally fawesome *Zahler's odd word*. Basically, this book is about how five teenagers make one song that manages to save the world. Funky huh?

What displeased me about this book was the fact that Moz didn't end up with who I wanted him to. He ended up with Girl A, not Girl B *frowns* Sure, there was that little sort of friendship-y moment at the end, but I'm still not satisfied. At all. I'm gonna go scour the fan fiction sites for Moz/Girl B fics. This might sounds so stupid, but pairings in a book are important for me. And Moz/Girl A is just.. wrong o.O

Anyways, this is a good sequel to a good book that *sorta* satisfies the readers and ties up the loose ends that was leftover from the first book =)