A review by clar2d2
Incarnate by Jodi Meadows


I have many conflicting feelings about this book.

There were aspects of it I really enjoyed, as well as aspects of it I ABSOLUTELY HATED. At the same time though, it's hard for me to say whether I liked this book overall or not. It's more of a 2.5/5 star book than a 2/5 or 3/5 star one.

Ana was probably the most naive and angsty character I've ever read of. While it made sense due to her circumstances, that doesn't change the fact that it annoyed the heck out of me.

Also, while I did expect romance going into this, I didn't enjoy the romance, and definitely felt that it overshadowed the plot and the world - which is a shame, considering that I loved the aspects of the world that was introduced to us. There simply wasn't enough of it because of the romance.

I did, however, like that religion played a role in this society, and, after I finished reading it, I could now consider myself to be pretty intrigued - intrigued enough to not completely rule out the possibility of reading the next book.

Conflicting feelings all around. D: