A review by bushph
Don't Trust Me by Joss Stirling


Thank you to Net Galley and Harper Impulse for providing me with an e-ARC copy! All opinions in this review are my own and are honest.

Finally, a thriller with an unreliable main character that I love! Normally in thrillers with unreliable MC, if und them unlikable because they’re whiney or they are just simply annoying and obviously hard to like but not here! Jessica has ADHD and often acts no impulse because of this; she says what she thinks, even if it could get her in trouble and make her actions reckless as she tends to also act without thinking but she’s also clever and humorous and we really get to see that in this book. I don’t have ADHD and I have no personal experience of ADHD so I can’t speak for the rep in this unfortunately. But Jess as a character was one I loved, and I really hope we see more of her somehow – she’s was so human and you can relate to her in so many ways which was great.

This follow Jess who comes back from holiday with her boyfriend, Michael, to discover that her workplace no longer exists and that she can’t get in contact with her boss either. This sends us down the path of Jess trying to figure what has happened with her work whilst trying to deal with her relationship and all the other things life is chucking at her. Like I said above, one of the best things about Jess was that she was relatable and flawed and her thought process was so well written you could follow along and understand. This was one of those stories where you didn’t necessarily know what to believe. As much as I liked Jess, I didn’t necessarily believe her all the time (which is obviously part of the build up!) but I did still find myself rooting for her.

This was mainly told from Jess’s POV however we do get one or two chapters later in the story from Michael’s POV. We also get some chapters which are old diary entries from Kate – Kate is Michael’s dead wife who died due to cancer but we don’t know much else about her as Michael hasn’t really spoken about her to Jess. We get to see the chapters as Jess reads them which I enjoyed because it meant that we were always in the dark as much as Jess was and can make conclusions based off what Jess knows and not much else.

Because this is a thriller I don’t want to say much else about the book in case I ruin it but I did love how the story played out and ended. It was very in keeping with recent discussions and a topic that doesn’t get brought up much but does happen and I liked how it all came together.
I would definitely recommend picking this up if you’re a fan of thrillers; it’s oh so very well written and is just a fantastic book!