A review by 1katherinerine1
Up from Slavery by Booker T. Washington


I haven’t read a lot of memoirs. Most of what I read for fun is fantasy and science fiction. But, reading for fun tends to leave important books like these to the wayside. Up from Slavery is not a fun book. It is infuriating that only a few decades ago, there were people kept as property. Even now, there is inequality based purely on the color of people’s skin. Up from Slavery is not a fun book, but it’s an important book. I would say that everyone can benefit from reading this book, even though it was written one hundred and twenty years ago (at the time of this review).

Up from Slavery is the memoir of Booker T. Washington, who was born into slavery. When he was six, the Emancipation proclamation was created. Washington was a hard worker, and he worked to pay for college. He went to Hampton University with only a few dollars in his pocket. While taking classes at the college, he took up a job as a janitor to pay for his education. Washington made it clear that hard work was key to pursue an education.

The second half of the book revolves around Washington creating the Tunsgee institute, and the many trials he had to overcome during the founding. He wanted to give black students an education. The students contributed to the building of the college, by crafting bricks for the buildings and donating food and fabric for the students. Other members of the black community gave supplies as well so that the students could have an education.
While telling his story, Washington interjects with anecdotes that are incredibly powerful. I was particularly struck with this quote: “I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.” This and many other bits of wisdom are sprinkled throughout the book. I had to stop and put down the book to think about the power in those words. It’s incredible how much of what Washington says is perfect for our modern-day problems.

Something I love about reading memoirs is that it tells a unique story about someone’s life. Reading memoirs has given me many new insights about the challenges other people experience. Up from Slavery will be a book I will remember.

Thanks for reading my review!