A review by aunt13soc1al
Pure by Julianna Baggott


This sat on my shelf since last year's BEA. The cover always intrigued me, but I never picked it up until shortly before I left for BEA 2012. I recently finished it, taking longer than I expected it to take me. I attribute that to the lack of story. The world is amazingly detailed in some instances, yet lacking in others. How big is the Dome? How much of the world is surround by the Meltlands? What happened to the rest of the world? How is it possible to be fused with sentient and non-sentient things and have them or you still function? So many questions and too few answers.

I wanted to love this book. The idea behind it was a great starting point, but unfortunately, it didn't pan out. While Pressia and Partridge are the central characters, I found myself more interested in minor characters like Lyda and El Capitan who seemed to have more depth to their characters than Pressia and Partridge combined. Bradwell provided a few benefits to the story, but most of the time I felt he was only there to fill in the gaps and offer a possible love interest for Pressia.

Despite the shortcomings, I know I will pick up the second book due out in 2013 as I do want to know where Baggott is going to take this story. Perhaps now that she has laid the groundwork, the second part will pick up the pace and get on with the story.