A review by octavia_cade
From a Shadow Grave by Andi C. Buchanan


Oh, this is lovely. It's fair to say I'm slightly biased - I've been salivating over this story since I first read part of an early draft - but the whole thing together is just wonderful. It's the prose that gets me the most. It's so lucid, and so enormously, quietly powerful that it's just perfect for this story... although let's face it, lovely prose is something the author is becoming ever more known for. There are a few short fiction writers who can routinely make me sick with jealousy at the shining beauty of their prose, and Andi is one of them.

This is just so highly recommended. It's beautiful and thoughtful, and there is so much care given to both character and structure that it's going to end up being one of those books I read again and again, finding something new in every time.