A review by atlantiareads
Captive Spirit by Anna Windsor


Even though this is the fourth book in the series you can read it as a stand alone, the author doesn’t leave you wondering about anything that has happened in previous books. I have not read the first three books and this book still made perfect sense. I love when an author can pull that off. Like i mentioned in a previous post i could not wait to share my thoughts on this book with you guys! It was so refreshingly different. Not only are there sybils but there are were-demons as well! The sybils are warriors, but not just any warriors they are women with control of certain elements.

Bela Argos can control the earth, she can also sense where someone is within like a fifty mile radius(approximately). She lost her first group of sybils during the war with the Legion. Three years later she is bringing together all of the elements; Air, Water, Fire, and Earth also known as Dio, Andy, Camille and herself. These women have been through a lot and they are all damaged. Not to mention Dio’s sister was one of Bela’s first triad members, and she was killed. Dio holds Bela personally responsible. This adds a lot of tension to the quad-the first quad in history- and Bela already has plenty of problems to deal with.

Then there is Duncan Sharp, he is a NYPD detective. He has seen war and death and now he is tracking the killer who is moving up the coast killing women. That’s not even the worst part, the main suspect is John Cole, a childhood friend. When he finds John some crazy shit happens and lets just say Duncan doesn’t exactly believe what he is seeing. Especially when a group of women in leather come to his rescue after he is attacked. That is when he meets his angel, Bela.

John Cole seems to think that there are supernatural beings at work and is out to find who is killing women. He works for a special branch of the police that deals with these particular problems. John has a pretty good idea of who is killing these women, they are called the Rakshasa.

The Rakshasa can change form into humans but their true form is a large cat, sort of like a lions without souls. Strada is the leader of the pride in New York and he is out to kill the man who killed his brothers-John Cole. There are a few things that have changed though, John Cole is in Duncan Sharps head and Duncan is being protected by a large group of sybils.

Now as you can see there is a lot going on in the book, not to mention all the things i didn’t spoil for you :) And let me tell you there is so much that i didn’t tell you. This book had such a different story line that i didn’t even realize that i was reading a book. I felt like i was living inside Duncan and Bela’s heads. I must say i am glad i chose to read this book! If you guys like a steamy romance (which is implied considering what the main focus is on my blog) and a crazy enemy coming after the hero and heroine than you will most definitely love this read! :D