A review by cherishes
Dark Rise by C.S. Pacat


the whole book felt like it was just exposition 😭 basically an extremely long set up for the rest of the series so it did feel pretty boring to read for the first 2/3 of the book i think it picked up a bit around the 20 chapter mark? def felt a little disappointing as a captive prince enjoyer. the plot twist was pretty well done like it didnt feel like it came out of no where but it wasnt too obvious either but leading up to it was def like. called it.

james and wills relationship was the highlight of the book and ill prob continue to see how it progresses!! i also powered thru bc i thought the second captive prince book was the strongest so im holding out hope for da sequel! 

unforch there were too many times where i was being told things instead of being shown so it kinda annoyed me... 

every time violet picked up a sword all i could think about was that got dam steven universe song where pearl is teaching connie to fight dkwnskndke