A review by suitcasecasey
Just Eat It: How intuitive eating can help you get your shit together around food by Laura Thomas


Like she says at the beginning of the book some will work for you and some won’t. Some takeaways from the book:

Reintroduce joyful sustainable movement into my life. it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. It’s not linear. For me right now it’s walking.

Listen to my body for hunger and fullness cues. Still working on the fullness cues part. I’m going to try the mid meal check in. Ultimately going to give myself unconditional permission to eat.

Balance and variety in food. Quit counting. Quit eliminating food groups No more calling food good/bad, healthy/unhealthy.

Lose the guilt and fuck weight loss. Health and extended lifespan are about nutrition and movement, not weight loss. You don’t have to earn food. Everyone deserves to eat. accept body and respect body. weight fluctuates.

according to cdc 75% of health is determined by socioeconomics. 25% is genetics, smoking, alcohol, drugs, medicine, movement, sleep, stress, nutrition

I will reference this book in the future and recommend it to friends.