A review by forestofglory
Memoirs of a Spacewoman by Naomi Mitchison


So this book came up several times is discussions of older SF by women. I finally tracked down a copy. This turned out to be a fun read. The main character seems to live in post scarcity society (this part of the worldbuilding is only lightly sketched ) and spends her time exploring -- going to new planets and attempting to communicate with the life she meets there. Sometimes she takes a break to have a baby. Being a book form 1962 it does have some issues, there are no queer people, there are hints of gender essentialism, and while there are few brown people they tend to be a bit exoticised. Still it was far better than I feared. I really liked all weird aliens she meets. I do think that the ending just kind of trails off though -- I wish it had kept going, or at least explained why she stopped writing.