A review by jen286
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald


This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

1.5 stars

The Great Gatsby - I don't get it. That is basically my review. I don't get why this is such a classic, why people seem to love it so much, really I just don't get it. It is just a bunch of rich people in the 20's having parties and their nonsensical conversations. Throw in the fact that everyone cheats on each other and you have The Great Gatsby. There is very little actual plot and it is just this random hodge podge of conversations. I found it very hard to pay attention to what I was reading. I kept having to go back and re-read as I found I just read a few pages and could not tell you what happened. Then I would re-read it and think oh, well nothing really happened so no worries. Then I also would also go back and re-read parts as I was always feeling like I was missing something. It was just a strange read for me. Little character development, little plot development, really little plot and yet it is a classic. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I do think it will be way better than the book. I mean it has to have a more developed storyline than the book does right? We shall see.

The book starts off with our narrator Nick moving in next door to Gatsby. He also has a married cousin, Daisy, who lives nearby. The first 3/4 of the book I feel like nothing really happened. I kept thinking why am I reading this? Why do people love this book so much? Then we get to the last bit and a few things happened, but I didn't really care. I didn't care about any of the characters as they were all so over the top ridiculous rich people that it was just hard to connect with. That and you didn't really get to know them at all so they are just random people.

Before I read this I remember hearing it is this great love story. That to me is the most head scratching thing of all. I don't see how this is a love story. The characters were just cheating on each other which even if they would have been developed more so I connected with them, even if there would have been more of a story here, that wouldn't be a great love story for me. A very strange read and I just don't understand what so many people see in this book that makes it such a classic. Oh well, I guess I don't have to get it. It is just not for me.