A review by mburnamfink
Warriors 1 by Gardner Dozois, George R.R. Martin


Warriors 1 is part of an interesting genre bending project by Martin and Gardner Dozois to create an anthology of original fiction on war with contributions from science fiction, fantasy, and history (I didn't spot any contemporary thrillers on the list, but maybe in part 2.) These are major genre writers here, with tentpole contributions from Joe Haldeman and George R.R. Martin, as well as names you should recognize.

80% of people will probably buy this book because it has another Dunk & Egg story in it. I am sad to say that Martin's contribution is middling at best. Another tourney, another look at Westeros from the bottom, only slightly leavened by the evil and powerful Hand of the King, and stirrings of rebellion. Haldeman's contribution is similarly a thematic retread, with soldiers linked into a 10 person platoon remotely operating nine foot tall active camo robots used as a metaphor to explore the bonds of battle and the wounds of their absence.

The best story, and I think the one that'll stick with me, is by longtime SF master Robert Silverberg, with the remnants of a large army guarding a barren frontier, deciding whether or not to carry on with a purposeless mission. It's stark, thoughtful, and eerie, and I think the story the best manages to rise above the collection.