A review by chasingholden
Queer Body Power: Finding Your Body Positivity by Essie Dennis


Queer Body Power is an invitation to explore the beauty and individuality of our bodies and gives a raw, reflective look on the truths behind how society has viewed the bodies that have been 'othered' - disabled bodies, fat bodies, bodies that don't fit into their ideas of gender. With powerful commentary on not only Queerness and Queer bodies, but how these issues can overlap and seep into other areas of our lives from healthcare, eating habits, relationships and our own mental health and self-worth.

With great talent Dennis has given us a well written, thoughtful, easy going and informative book that makes the reader feel both comfortable and "seen", possibly for the first time surrounding such topics . The layout of the book was carefully chosen to allow readers to follow along easily and thoughtfully.

I cannot recommend this book enough. Whether you yourself identify as queer, or know someone who does, this book is an absolute gift and a wonderful well of knowledge sure to become an instant sensation!

Thank you to netgalley for providing an e-copy for me to read and leave my honest opinion with all of you. This book has done a lot for me and I hope that everyone who needs this picks it up as soon as possible.