A review by lovelykd
Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson


I'm going to keep this brief because ...wow.

The story was a page-turner. I'll give Ms. Jackson props for crafting a set of characters who were able to keep you guessing.

As for the MAIN character, Mary, she was tough to like after a while--and not because of what she "allegedly" did, but because she came across naive as hell.

While I understood her circumstances and lack of emotional development from the start, her willful ignorance to everything never set well with me.

Luckily, Mary's interaction with supporting characters (like Ms. Cora, Ms. Claire, and even Mrs. Richardson) were enough to sustain my empathy.

That said, where this book lost me--and nose dived into 3* territory--was in those final two chapters.


Things made sense, for the most part, UNTIL they didn't. For that reason alone, I wanted to throw the book into the wall.

Would I recommend it? Yes, no question. Do I ever want to read it again? Hell. No.