A review by tracey_stewart
A Tangled Web by L.M. Montgomery


L.M. Montgomery was very very good at several things, and one of those was keeping a secret from her readers, building suspense until she finally decides to reveal all – which is always done in a satisfying manner. And she never does it better than in A Tangled Web – through the petty jealousies and deep passions and squabbles and allegiances of the tale of the Darks and the Penhallows runs one of the best tantalizers I've ever seen: why did Joscelyn leave Hugh the night of their wedding and refuse to ever return to him? I don’t know if the reality of what happened quite lives up to the anticipation – but it’s believable, in its way, and arranging for the situation to be resolved requires some excellent plotting. And the anticipation is delicious. I love the character Oswald Dark – what a being he is. Were I to indulge in fan-fiction about L.M.M., I think I’d center on him. But … there is a fly in the ointment, which I'd forgotten until I came to it - how could I forget that last line of the book? Avoid if possible. It’s an unnecessary stain on a lovely book, and a true sign that while a lot of things have changed for the worse since L.M.M. wrote, not everything has. Even given the ointment's fly, this is one of my favorites among L.M.M.'s books. Five stars despite that line.