A review by dreamerhabits
Two by Two: Tango, Two Step, and the L.A. Night by Eve Babitz


Unfortunately my least favourite Babitz. She still has her charm and love for writing in this, but you can really tell, that after her accident she was not gonna be like before. In her later life she slowly turned more and more conservative in a way, which already begins to shine through here. You can tell that she’s, like every boomer, unhappy with the fast changing of her environment and probably just sad that her glory days are over.
There’s this side of the book, which is still not bad (in a way I could recognise), and then there’s the other side, the bigger side. The way she talks about the dances and the people who dance really shows how much she loves this topic and made me also interested in dancing. Her duality between fun and genuine always makes her works worth reading.