A review by frompemberleytomiltonblog
Unwrapping Mr. Darcy by L.L. Diamond


Unwrapping Mr. Darcy is a sweet modernization that is perfect to read during December first because the story begins in that period, and second because everything in the story transports us into a Christmas environment. I could feel the winter breeze and Christmas excitement that comes with the Secret Santa described in this book, and always had a feeling of cozyness that made me keep reading until I reached the last page.

In Unwrapping Mr.Darcy, Elizabeth Bennet, a recently hired attorney, hears Mr.Darcy, the head of the company, making a remark about how she was only hired because she is the sister of the girl Bingley is dating and feels he is diminishing her merit. This sets the prejudice that will be present in a big part of their relationship, but after that remark Mr.Darcy starts paying attention to her and realizes she is in fact the only woman capable of steering any type of feeling in him, so he decides to change her opinion of him.

He convinces Bingley to rig the Secret Santa to be able to surprise her and based on the advent calendar presents her with small but thoughtful gifts every single day until Christmas. He does it expecting that this gesture will change her perspective of him and also give him the chance to have an actual conversation with her, but you know Elizabeth Bennet, it will tho be that simple 🙂

Every single gift shows just how attentive and caring Mr. Darcy is. He is the perfect gentleman and the man most of us wish she would one day call her husband. I felt for him with each gift and word and he is the main reason why I loved this book so much.

I’ve also loved Elizabeth and was pleasantly surprised with Bingley and Jane who were the perfect secondary characters. I loved watching the four of them together and their interactions always made me want to jump into the pages of the book and join their dinners. Their little matchmaking was funny to see and I’m glad Jane opened Elizabeth’s eyes on Christmas Day because that led to my favorite scene in the entire book!

Whickham makes a small appearance but I was happy to see that he was not a cause for conflict, his small part was an interesting detail but it did not lead us away from the interactions of the main characters and I appreciated that.

The end of the book is very rewarding as the author took the time to show readers just how happy our dear couple is. We have a glimpse of their happily ever after and I’m sure most readers will particularly love this part of the book.

I really enjoyed reading this story and recommend it to all readers who want a cozy, entertaining and romantic story, but be prepared to be swooned by Mr.Darcy, he is irresistible!