A review by angelkat556
Like, Follow, Kill by Carissa Ann Lynch


Holy crap! HOLY. CRAP. What in hell did I just read?! Because it was fantastic!! This book follows Camilla, a woman who gets into an accident with her husband while driving drunk. She survived with various cuts, scrapes, bruises and broken bones; he wasn't so lucky. Months later she's basically a shut-in. Her only contact with the outside world is her sister Hannah and social media. There's one account she follows religiously: a girl she went to school with, Valerie. But soon after the story starts, Valerie winds up in trouble and in rides Camilla to save the day.
I really liked this story. I read it in one greedy gulp in a matter of hours. Every time I thought I had the story pinned, in came a plot twist to rock me in another direction. By the time the book was over I had been shocked silly several times. The writing itself was so smooth and drew me right in. If you like psychological thrillers with killer twists, do yourself a favor and grab this book as soon as you can!
Rating: 4.5, rounded up to 5!