A review by ezichinny
Breaking Cover by Kaje Harper


★★★★1/2. Really good sequel.
This book had the things I enjoy most when I read--Growth and Courage!
We start of this book with Tony Hart and Jared "Mac" MacLean continuing their relationship in secret because of Mac's fear for his career. It was really hard for Tony who has been out for a really long time. In fact, being forced back into the closet was taking a toil on him and the relationship. In Tony's mind, Mac was choosing The Closet over him and that was just not something he could accept.

When tragedy strikes close to home, Tony has to step up to the plate for Ben. This new reality forces Mac and Tony to re-evaluate the secrecy of their relationship, is it even feasible anymore? What are they willing to risk for love and family?

Boy, I found this one satisfying. There were a lot of hard choices and "confrontations" in this one. But there was a lot of eventual truths to come out (pun intended) even if they were not easily accepted.

Tony was so brave. Stronger than I remember him in book 1. He was solid, patient and loving. I am hoping his consideration of Mac will give Mac the courage to finally open up about the past he is hiding. I am excited about the new family set-up. I am happy about Aunt Brenda the wicked witch of the west. She should pray for revelation about her perpetual unhappiness, anger and jealousy. She should also ask since she is sooo good, why is she completely alone? I am concerned about the workplace, but that is another battle for book 3 to tackle. For now, I am happy that everyone was home where they belong.