A review by bookwormbunny
Vampire Princess by Rosemary A. Johns


Okay! This book had me hooked! Where book one left me feeling..."meh" for the majority of the story as it got in gear, this book grabbed me from the beginning and held me down. Violet is back, but she's learning the hard way that Angel World is not what she thought it'd be. Mother is the Queen and man is she, one sadistic queen! Mother dearest wants Violet to be like her, but that's not really what Violet wants. But when given a sword that belongs to another, a little game of truth or dare becomes something more because her life is on the line...one way or the other. The longer that Violet stays in Angel World the darker she sees the angels to be. After a battle with the Fallen (vampires), her mother commands that she takes part in the warrior trials. Being half angel and half vampire, has she been condemned to die? Because should she fail, that is what will happen and her two friends will be forever lost. Looks like Violet is going to have to get geared up to take on a big bad situation.
Vampire Princess by Rosemary A Johns is book two in her Rebel Angels series and I have to say I'm over the moon for this book. It captured my attention from the beginning and kept me riveted to the end. I see Violet evolving as a character. She has her moments, but I like that she questions and rebels. She tries to be helpful, even if it backfires more than a few times on her. I like the fact that she doesn't roll over for anyone. I really grow to like Violet's character in this book. I love how she cares for the younger angels and that she does what she can to try and keep them safe. The dynamics of this story are truly engaging.
There is only one moment that I have to complain about in this book and it's one with Violet and another "broken" angel. I was disappointed in her that she doesn't step up for him. She knows that the angel who steps up to claim him intends to hurt him deeply. I wanted her to put herself aside for a moment with her morality and to take him. I'm disappointed when she turns her back on him. He deserved better than that.
I truly enjoyed this book, and I am eagerly looking forward to the next book in this series. If you read the first book and enjoyed it then I highly recommend this book to you. I am rating this book 5 out of 5 stars.