A review by ec_newman
Looking for Alaska by John Green


Heavy and I'll need days to sort out my response.

Although, I would say that I like Paper Towns better, but Looking for Alaska deals with heavier issues, which although I might not like the characters as much, I respect John Green's tacking of the subject matter.




I gave this four stars and not five (like Paper Towns) simply on a personal level. Green's dealing with heavy subject matter: death, underage drinking and teen sexuality. I greatly respect him and how he presents these characters. I just didn't relate. I wasn't that kid and I don't understand the need to rebel and go against the school's rules as Pudge, Alaska, the Colonel and the rest of them do. I didn't cry either (I say that because others have told me that that was their reaction to the book). I was grateful that consequences were shown for the choices that the characters make. It didn't glorify their choices or demonize them. It was just real.

I do like that this is often used in schools to deal with such issues as above. That thrills me because it's hard to find books students want to read that actually mean more than just a love triangle and angst.

I feel bad that this is so short, but it didn't affect me as much as Paper Towns did.