A review by bookbriefs
Calling Me Back by Louise Bay


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Calling Me Back is the first in a three part novella series. Part three, and the complete series set, just released yesterday, so if you are like me and like to have the option of reading all parts of a series or serial back to back (to back) this is the time to grab the complete set. I love Louise Bay's serial romances. She somehow manages to fit what feels like a whole story in just over 100 pages. These stories and series, are great romantic pick me ups. I read, and totally LOVED her New York series, which was set up in the same format- a three part serial. The Calling me Series is a spin off of Louise's What the Lightning See's series, which focuses on Jake and Haven. I haven't read What the Lightning Sees yet, but it is on my To Be Read List. And now that I know they are secondary characters in the Calling Me series, I am even more excited to read their story. Haven is Ashleigh's friend and Luke's sister (the main couple)

Ashleigh and Luke have been friends for forever, and you know what that means... a friends lovers book. How I love this trope. Calling Me Back jumps right into the action. There is a little bit of background laid for the friendship dynamics of the group, but Ashleigh and Luke are already starting a budding relationship by the end of this installment. I tell you that for two reasons. First, so you know that there is romance in this installment, which is a key in an instant gratification "happy" read, and also two because I am really interested to see what bumps Louise has in store for us in parts 2 and 3. I know it will not be all sunshine and roses for our couple.

I liked that Ashleigh and Luke both started the series out dating other people. I am not going to lie, I could really relate to the start of the book. Luke and his girlfriend are at a wedding, and he is griping because it seems like all of his friends are getting engaged, and his girlfriend is starting to get ideas. I have seen this time and time again in my friends. It is like a domino effect. One "falls" (aka gets engaged) and then all of her close friends start falling around her. So I get where Luke was coming from, but I also got where his girlfriend was coming from. The other thing I could relate to was the sunday night dinner group that Haven Ashleigh and Luke had. I love this idea, and I used to have the same thing in college. A group of friends meets up for dinner and games and the person who cooks dinner rotates. So I instantly had a connection to this group.

Bottom line: If you like quick, completely engaging stories with a sizzling romance, Louise Bay's serials are perfect for you. Whether you start with the Calling Me series or the What Lightning Sees series, it doesn't matter. Each one can stand on their own, and I am sure both of them are equally well done. Now please excuse me, while I dive right back into part two of Calling Me.

This review was originally posted on Book Briefs