A review by thebookishfeminist
His Only Wife by Peace Adzo Medie


HIS ONLY WIFE is a remarkable, refreshing, powerful novel! I’m truly blown away by Medie‘s writing. This is a novel that was hard to put down. No matter how hard some of the days have been, His Only Wife is the perfect escape - not because it’s fluffy. It’s not. Not at all. But because it’s engrossing, and I’m learning things outside of my everyday perspectives, and it provides a nuanced look at feminism and autonomy that isn’t present in a lot of books.

His Only Wife gives us a vivid look into the life of Ghanaian women through Afi and her marriage to Eli. But it also shows us that we can be empowered and independent but ALSO love another person romantically and enter into a partnership on our own terms. That’s a really nuanced approach to feminism and liberation, and one that I think is really empowering if it’s done right. And Medie does it right.

Thank you so much to Algonquin and NetGalley for this advance copy!