A review by 7seventythree3
The Given Day by Dennis Lehane


This one was recommended by a friend and wow, what a ride.
So much packed into one story: The harsh backdrop of a city in conflict, Boston after WWI, Police, deadly influenza, racial tensions, threats of strikes, Bolsheviks, anarchists, misused laborers, bombings, family tensions, molasses, riots, romance, and more. For me, it had a mixed mood of “The Departed” and “Peaky Blinders.” Every time I picked up the book to read I’d smile and start humming “Shipping up to Boston.”

I thought the main characters were well formed. Danny a white Irish cop in Boston who befriends Luther, a black male, on the run from an event in his past. These are the two men who lead us through this story with a little side action from Babe Ruth, as well as Nora (Danny’s love interest), and Lila (Luther’s wife).
It was a pleasure to read Boston's historical events of the time. Per usual, I was inspired to hastily research some people, maps, pictures, and incidents that were mentioned. I’ve had experience in class-action grievances and negotiations within my own unions and therefore thought Danny’s involvement in the formation of the Police union was interesting. This will not be the case for everyone I’m sure, judging by how many glazed eyes I’ve seen over the years after the word union has been spoken.

As much as I liked all of that it still spoke to my romantic heart as well. Finding that small light in the depths of that dark time. Luther searching for his former life, his lady. I was captivated by Danny and Nora’s turbulent love story (stayed up way too late one night reading because of these two). Caught between his expectations and her shaky past. Will he come to the end of himself and finally come for her? And ohhhh, that dang button…..

One of my favorite lines which was speaking about the friendship between Luther, Danny, and Nora while spending time together on a rooftop: “It felt to Danny, when the three of them were together like this, that they were beating the world at something.” I knew just what he meant here. I’ve felt this sentiment and thought he phrased it nicely.

Flaws: I think he could have dialed down the language a tad and we still would have had a clear picture (if you are sensitive to harsh language this may not be your book), he’s slightly preachy? The opposing view characters were over the top evil which makes it just a bit less convincing.

Very action packed and exciting book. There is a lot more there (700 pages worth), but with so much going on it is hard to stay concise. I'd read more from him.