A review by katiecolson
You Will Find Your People: How to Make Meaningful Friendships as an Adult by Lane Moore


This might as well have been ghost written by me. I have had all of these thoughts and feelings.

I view friendships in equal standing with romantic relationships. I feel that a genuine platonic connection means more than any sexual one. We are taught that marriage is the ultimate pact and you should strive for it above all else. Nothing else matters and nothing should stand in the way of it. But your friends are usually there before you meet a partner and there if things fall apart. They know you in ways that a partner might never have access to. If you're lucky, you find a best friend that you also want to marry and have sex with. But, most commonly, those are two separate people.

This was so cathartic to hear. That someone else thinks about life the same way I do and has gone through the grief of losing a best friend and has had the grief of thinking they might've been on the path to curating a best friendship, just to have it thrown in their face as 'oh, I thought we were work-friends only'.

I can understand the lower ratings for this book because it is written for a very specific demographic of people. I just happen to be one of those people.