A review by pelks
Promethea, Vol. 5 by Mick Gray, Alan Moore, J.H. Williams III


This whole series was wild to read. I feel like it really complimented my experience of life in 2020.

My general reading of the whole series and its extremely deep dive into Moore's magickal spirituality is that Moore was and is trying to make sense of a truly horrific world, and Promethea is his guidebook, i.e. "Here's what works for me, noted magician Alan Moore". I am not a fan of Crowley nor the extremely gender normative reading of the tarot, so I am not one hundred percent on board with all of the magickal underpinnings of Moore's theories. However, the ideas of interconnectedness, of the power of languages, symbols, and thought, and of an apocalypse not necessarily as a cataclysm but a release from entrenched thinking, were all presented in a fantastic and beautiful way. Although the ultimate conclusion (that creativity and imagination are some of the highest human callings which connect us to higher realms) is not a new one, I do love how brazen this series is, and how even the slight hints of a plot all fell away in favor of pure psychedelic speculation on the nature of the universe.

All in all, extremely Alan Moore. Hail Glycon.