A review by mxsallybend
1049 Club by Kim Pritekel


Going into the book, as we first met the characters on the plane, I was very much afraid we were going to be stuck flat, stereotypical, predictable stock characters. It seemed like Kim was stocking the cast for a gender/sexuality conflict, but I'm delighted to say nothing could be further from the truth. The characters on the island, and even their loved ones back home, are fully realised, fully developed characters with personalities and emotions. The creation of a friendship between Dean (uppity gay guy) and Michael (down-to-earth homophobic guy) is so subtle, you've already accepted it before you realise the antagonism is gone. As for the budding romance between Rachel (straight girl escaping a cheating husband) and Denna (a lesbian very much in love with her partner back home). . . wow, that was so sweet, so tender, and romantic. It's never forced, and never pushes the boundaries of disbelief.

Overall, this is a wonderfully well-written book. The plane crash is as tense and exciting as any big budget thiller; the sense of despair as each character washes up on the island alone is intensely powerful. The friendships and the romance are handled so beautifully, I admit I shed more than a few honest tears before the end.

Ultimately, though, what won me over about this book is the way it ends. No spoilers here (you need to discover the joy for yourself) but the ending doesn't arrive where or when you'd expect . . . and that's a wonderful gift to unwrap.

Absolutely recommended.