A review by blairchristine
Legacy by Sheridan Anne


4.5 stars.
In this secon book of the Empire series we see Oakley fighting back and trying to figure out a way to save her life. With Zade still set on the plan to take over Empire we find that Oakley is in close quarters with Zade, Dalton, Easton and Sawyer. I liked seeing the progression in the characters. I found that while stil light to medium on the dark romance scale that Oakley had me laughing here and there, which was a very nice change.
I really enjoyed writing overall but at times I am not going to lie I did find it a little repeative at times for to be remind of the fate that is suppose to come to Oakley for Zade to come into power. I think I am going to do a reread of Empire and then reread Legacy again. Just to refresh my brain on everything once more. I hope that book three comes out sooner rather then later as I do need to know what happens next because as always we are left hanging off of a cliff.