A review by blackbirdbooks23
Did You Hear What Eddie Gein Done? by Harold Schechter, Eric Powell


Not sure how to rate this due to the subject matter. Ed Gein did horrible things. Ed Gein was also incredibly manipulated, brainwashed, and damaged mentally and emotionally by his mother. Ed Gein didn't really stand a chance given his personal disposition and upbringing. Does that excuse his behavior and the disgusting things he did. No, but you can't help but have some compassion.
Unlike some serial killers (Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer) who you just know are literal monsters and make it extremely hard to conjure any want to understand their behavior, Gein was stunted and childlike...and very very sick.

The art work in this graphic novel set the tone and was very expressive and horrifying at times.