A review by jjp723
The View from Lazy Point: A Natural Year in an Unnatural World by Carl Safina


A wonderful book, beautifully written. Usually I read books of this nature and end up with a sense of dread and guilt - not so here. While Safina lays bare the problems that are facing us now and also those that are coming up quickly he also is diligent in noticing what is going right, and how well things respond when just a little care and restraint are given and practiced. Probably the greatest thing I took from this book was something that shocks me - public interest groups are forbidden by law from either making campaign contributions or spending much time lobbying. How can that be in a democracy, in a country where we are supposed to care about our fellow citizens? Definite food for thought (and hopefully action).
If you care about where we are headed, as a country and also as citizen of the world, read this one. Very highly recommended.

*The forested slopes tune my mind to a more peaceful frequency. I am "rejoicing in the possession of so blessed a day," as Muir was moved to put it.*

*People came into a world like this, rich, natural, but not without danger. The prospects for real trouble here are low, but the prospects for feeling alive are guaranteed. Many people are shadowed most dangerously by beasts of their own imaginations. Being here is real. That's why this silence, coiled and charged, speaks volumes. Too often, we let fake things stalk us. Accept no substitutes for real experience, real friends, true love, and real bears. Either you set the bar high and keep striving or you create a danger greater than any Griz sneaking up on you: letting real life sneak away.*

*...Fasting living thing. It is not that death comes so fast. It is that between the bookends of nothingness, we have this magnificent glowing life upon whose pages we can write book after book, or which we can leave blank. How many ways shall we make it count? How full or meager?*

*Meanwhile, public-interest groups are forbidden by law from either making campaign contributions or spending significant time lobbying. if you don't represent a special interest trying to make money, you can't participate in democracy.* (WTF????)

*The world is changing because we're changing it. And that makes me understand, at least, what kind of person I'd like to be. A person can seek ways, big or small, to heal the world.*