A review by bookishwithwine
Girl Shock! I dressed as a girl for Halloween but then she took over my life! by Maria Konner


Self-discovery. Sexuality. Trans. LGBTQ. Gender Fluidity. Drag. Kinky Sex. Love. Lust. Entertainment. Rock & Roll. Even Comics.

This book has it all, and it is all true.


I am not a big memoir reader because I read to escape reality not to learn about how harsh the world can be. Maria Konner's life story stands apart from any memoir I have ever read in a good way. A man goes from being bored in life and his marriage to being trans and part of LGBTQ. We as readers get to follow along with all of the changes Maria makes in her life from dressing up to sexual experimenting.

This book is not for the faint of heart, and Maria has kindly labeled sections in the chapters Sordid Details. So you know when you see the gray boxes that's your sign to skip ahead if you don't want to know. Let me tell you these parts are VERY detailed, but that's what makes the book so fascinating. She is finding out what works for her and what doesn't in her new life.

I like that the story is full of pictures of not only Maria, but the people she met and the friends she made along the way. The comics at the beginning of the book was also a nice touch!
This one is available now!

Thank you Suzy Approved Book Tours and Author Maria Konner for my copy!

Book Rating: 4/5

Wine Pairing: St Supéry Sauvignon Blanc